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Nonverbal Communication (and why it matters)

There are two types of communication in the world: Verbal and Nonverbal. We use speech and language every day to communicate with others, ask questions, and connect with people. As important as verbal communication is, the truth is that over 70% of our communication exchanges as humans happen to be nonverbal. Everything from our body language to what we wear are communicating messages to others which build their perceptions of us.

In the world of business mastering techniques in body language and presentation is essential to making sure that you and your organization are communicating effectively to your clients and customers. Relying on words and verbal communication isn’t enough. People consistently rely on nonverbal cues to interpret true meaning. For example, imagine you made reservations at a very expensive restaurant to celebrate with friends. Everyone gets dressed up for the occasion expecting a night of enjoyment and relaxation. When you get there, your server is saying all the right words. Politely answering your questions and making helpful suggestions, but their nonverbal communication is off. Their hair is unkempt, and they are dressed in an old baggy t-shirt with a couple holes in it. Their shoulders are slumped down and they can’t seem to maintain eye contact with you. Also, they smell a little.

Actions speak louder than words. Even though your server is conveying all of the right words verbally, their nonverbal presentation is less than professional and leaves you feeling uncomfortable and confused. You’re now less likely to return to this restaurant because even though the food was good and service was polite, what your take away will be is all of those odd nonverbal quirks that gave you a less than good feeling. Had that server mastered their nonverbal techniques and skills, they would have found much more success in their position. Customers would return, tip well and recommend that venue to others for the future perpetuating a cycle of business growth.

There are 4 Categories of nonverbal expression:


Aesthetic nonverbal communication relies on creativity as a way to express messages and information. This can come in the form of art, paintings, sculptures, dance, performance and theatre. Aesthetic communication can convey something as charming and simple as a joke (think wordless comics) or something heavy and thought provoking like a political statement. It’s a form of communication used to influence social and cultural development. Ways that a business can harness the power of this nonverbal type of communication is through advertisements that rely on imagery or the once ever so popular, flash dance mob.


Physical communication is the most commonly used form of nonverbal communication. Small micro-expressions like subtle frowns or smiles or looking away and avoiding eye contact are signals that we commonly read into to ascertain an individual’s true meaning or motives. Physical cues can be grandiose and obvious like slamming doors, stamping your feet or literally jumping for joy. We read into body language and can tell if someone is having a tough day, or if they are feeling insecure or aggressive. Being keenly aware of body language and physical cues can really get you to connect with your customers if you’re able to understand them beyond what they are saying. Also, being cognizant of your own body language can take you far in business. Maintaining a stance of confidence, keeping eye contact, smiling and having an open posture all signal to the world the perception that you are a secure and credible person, and people really like doing business with secure credible people.


This one is pretty self-explanatory. Signs are displayed signals that are used to convey messages or special meanings. Signs can be obvious like the red light on a traffic light, or the no u-turn sign on the road. But they can also be symbolic gestures like releasing doves at a wedding or setting off fireworks on New Year’s Eve.


This is another commonly used form of nonverbal communication but we are often not aware that we are using symbols to communicate. A symbol is any material that promotes status or position in society. If we see a woman standing next to a Porsche while holding a Birkin bag and eating beluga on the street, we make an automatic assumption of her status and position in life. However, symbols can be very misleading. That same woman may very well be holding a fake Birkin standing next to someone else’s car and spent her last cent in her bank account to eat that beluga. We craft our image all the time via symbols weather it’s the jewelry we wear, brands we buy or cars we drive.

There are countless behavioral studies and surveys on how nonverbal communication can connect us. To learn more on how to utilize nonverbal skills to develop your professional goals, then Goalmachine invites you to join us for 2020 Insight which is our 30 Day Communication and Stress Management program just in time for you to have a new skillset for the new year! We are partnering with EBS to give you not only the skills you need to communicate more effectively but we are offering 30 Days of habit forming challenges to make stress-free effective communication a part of your professional skill set. The program starts with one day of intensive training followed by 30 Days of simple but effective challenges.

To register Whatsapp +1(721) 522 5121, Visit any EBS location in the Orange Grove Shopping Center or on the Bush Road, or Inbox GoalmachineSXM on Facebook. Program starts on December 7th and price is $395 per person. Registration deadline is December 2, 2019 and space is extremely limited so please register early to reserve your spot.

Looking forward to walking alongside with you on your professional journey GoalGetters!!!

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